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Cross River State to defeat the challenges following hives colonisation in Apicultural Development in Nigeria.


By: Amb. Agim Godwin Apple/Obudu BeeFarm Project/abefu.info@gmail.com

Honey Bee Queen (Dominant) and source for colonisation

Amb. Agim Godwin Apple, President African BeeFarmers Union

There are several challenges when it comes to setting up apiaries and colonizing honey bees in Cross River State, Nigeria.

Some of these challenges include the climate and environmental factors.

Nigeria has a diverse climate, ranging from humid tropical in the south to arid in the north. This variation in climate can pose challenges to honey bee colonies, as they require specific temperature and humidity conditions to thrive. It is crucial to choose appropriate locations and beekeeping practices that are suitable for the local climate.

Infrastructure and access to resources in many parts of Nigeria, there may be limited infrastructure and inadequate access to resources required for beekeeping.

This includes proper transportation systems, availability of quality beehives, beekeeping equipment, and access to high-quality forage areas for the honey bees as theforests arebeingtamperedwithby thetimberloggers.

Lack of infrastructure can make it difficult to establish and maintain successful apiaries.

Technical knowledge acquisition through workshops training in Beekeeping requires commitment and government support as it’s a specialized knowledge and technical skills.

Many potential beekeepers in Cross River State may lack access to proper training, information, and expertise on modern beekeeping techniques. This can lead to ineffective management practices and lower honey production.

Pests and diseases: Honey bees are vulnerable to a variety of pests and diseases, such as varroa mites, wax moths, and American foulbrood. In Nigeria, these challenges can be intensified due to limited access to proper treatments, medications, and professional beekeeping services. Controlling and managing these pests and diseases is crucial to maintaining healthy honey bee colonies.

Land use and agricultural practices: The expansion of agriculture and the use of agrochemicals can negatively impact honey bee populations. Pesticides can have harmful effects on honey bees and their forage, leading to decreased honey production and colony losses. Ensuring sustainable land use practices and promoting bee-friendly agriculture can help mitigate these challenges.

Market access and value chain development: Establishing a sustainable market for honey and bee products is essential for the viability of beekeeping in Nigeria. However, there may be challenges in accessing markets and establishing a well-developed value chain. This includes issues such as packaging, quality control, marketing, and distribution of honey and other bee products.

Addressing these challenges requires a multi-faceted approach involving government support, investment in infrastructure, training programs, research, and collaboration between beekeepers, scientists, and relevant stakeholders.

By overcoming these challenges, the Cross River State government can tap into its rich potential for honey production and contribute to the growth of its agricultural sector.

Copyright ©️ Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple +358451326601

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