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The dangers associated with Honey interaction with metal objects:

By: Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple, President African BeeFarmers Union

In a recent Apicultural lectures an online programme organised by the African Development Concepts Ry. Finland, the President of African BeeFarmers Union www.afdevco.org Ambassador Godwin Apple, revealed that Honey contains live enzymes which are much helpful to the human body and if this enzymes get in contact with a metal spoon or any metal object, these enzymes will die, bringing the quality of the honey to be less active.

According to Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple, in his presentation, there are various reasons why it is advised to avoid honey coming into contact with metal materials:

Scientifically if we may consider chemical reactions, honey is an acidic substance with a pH level typically ranging between 3.5 and 4.5. When honey comes into contact with certain metals, such as aluminum, copper, or lead, it can cause a chemical reaction.

This can lead to the release of metal ions into the honey, compromising its quality and potentially causing health concerns.

We should not forget that honey contains sugars, enzymes, and other compounds that are prone to oxidation, for these reasons when honey interacts with certain metals, especially those that are reactive, it can accelerate the oxidation process.

This can result in the degradation of the honey’s flavor, color, and nutrient content.

I will not forget the mentioned the risks of contamination which happened to be my main reason of my Apicultural mission to Cross River State of Nigeria, and now Africa at a whole.

Metal containers or utensils, if not properly cleaned or maintained, may have traces of rust, corrosion, or other contaminants.

When honey contacts these substances, it can absorb some of these impurities, affecting its taste and quality.

So we look at how the metal materials interactions can cause flavor alteration: Honey has its own distinct flavor profile, which can be influenced by its storage conditions. When metal comes in contact with honey, particularly if it is reactive, it can impart a metallic taste or alter the original flavor of the honey.

To ensure the best quality and taste of honey, it is recommended to use non-reactive materials such as glass, porcelain, or food-grade plastic for storage and handling.

Plastic and wooden spoons are best for honey scoping.

Copyright ©️ Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple

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