Bebuabie Youths Alliance

Bebuabie Youths Alliance is an organisation formed by Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple, for the community Youths.

It is a non-political organisation.

Amb. Agim Godwin Apple

THE MISSION STATEMENT FOR BEBUABIE YOUTHS ALLIANCE:BEBUABIE YOUTHS ALLIANCE IS A REALISTIC OF THE FOLLOWING VISION:We seek a world of peace, patience, comfort, and social justice, where poverty is defeated and all people live in unity and security OUR MISSION:Our main mission is to provide care and support around the community of Bebuabie to save lives and make life meaningful for all.To defeat poverty and achieve social justice globally and work towards a way forward for the interest of everyone in Bebuabie Community. OUR FOCUS:Our priority is centred around building a community of peace free of violence, putting women and girl children in the centre, because we can not overcome poverty until all people have equal rights and opportunities.We also build a family centre approach program that mitigates the impact of poverty on vulnerable households in our community through agriculture and Apicultural development. OUR VALUES:We are proud to be an association combining global and local reach. We hold ourselves accountable for living and delivering our values in all we do. We are transparent, credible, innovative, and we champion continuous through sports and other socio-economic development in our services to Bebuabie nation and the entire African continent, these are characterized by their quality, flexibility and cost effective which leads to the achievement recorded in our program to the community, thereby consolidating the achievement to sustaining it in every project we implement on Bebuabie soil.Our value transforms to Integrity: We are consistent in what we think, say, and do.ACCOUNTABILITY: We deliver on our commitments and are transparent in our reporting to any of our supporters.INNOVATION: We constantly strive to develop new ways to improve the sustainability of all our projects across the community, such as creating a conducive learning environment for our pre-,school, and primary school children.SELF-IMPROVEMENT: we learn from all our project work in and outside our community and actively seek opportunities to improve on it.FLEXIBILITY: We believe that solutions need to be tailored to be meaningful to the broad range of African cultures, socio-economics conditions, and geographies of our various project sites.PRINCIPLESBebuabie Youths Alliance, is Independent of Politics, Military, Ethnic or Religious affiliations in providing and promoting global peace, humanitarian space, gender balance, care and support for vulnerable households, disability inclusion and equal opportunity for all. We also provide assistance on the basis of individual need, regardless of race, nationality addressing the right of vulnerable groups, particularly women and girl child globally. We also have programs for orphans and vulnerable children, emergency rehabilitation and reintegration of destitute children back to homes and society, and also engage in long-term development workWe are also committed to sustainability development goalsWe are also committed to protecting wildlife management Ensuring prioritized and focused interventions that address children’s most critical care needs.SUMMARY OF CORE ACTIVITIES OF BEBUABIE YOUTHS ALLIANCE ON CARE AND SUPPORT TO VULNERABLE HOUSEHOLDS IN AFRICAIn a move to provide care and support to vulnerable households in Africa, Bebuabie Youths Alliance will provide comprehensive integrated services support with technical guiding principles on how and when to prioritize specific technical interventions to households These prioritized interventions are strategic in nature with a strategic planning process of implementation. These comprehensive integrated services that Bebuabie Youths Alliance will be piloting in the community..EDUCATION:Bebuabie Youths Alliance, will support efforts to reduce educational disparities and barriers to access schoolamong school-age children through sustainable “systemic” interventions (for example, enrolment of dropout children back to school, provision of school block grants – block grants is an intervention targeted at local authority schools in way that renovation of school building can be done, provision of school desk and chairs, and provision ofkidsclub and instructional material for psychosocial support programs during break period). Focus will also be drawn to some key areas of education in Bebuabie Youths Alliance Programming in Africa, such as:Ensuring children have a safe school environment and completing their primary education and secondary school education Promoting access to early childhood development (ECD) programEnsuring personnel create child-friendly and gender-sensitive classrooms where girls and boys are treated equally Strengthening community- school relationships, including partnering with out-of-school programming, partnering with cooperate firm in their cooperate social responsibility programConsider supporting post-primary school programming and especially the transition of girls from primary to secondary school, which will greatly support girl child education in AfricaImplementing market-driven vocational training for caregivers and older adolescents who are out of school.PSYCHOSOCIAL CARE AND SUPPORT: Bebuabie Youths Alliance in her program to the community will prioritize psychosocial interventions that will build on existing resources ofcommunity facility and place and maintain households in stable and affectionate environments through: Parents and family support programs Peer and social group interventions at community level Mentorship programs for parents, adolescents, and childrenCommunity caregiver support programs.HOUSEHOLD ECONOMIC STRENGTHENING (HES): In programming for Africa through BebuabieYouthsAlliance, HES intervention aims to reduce the economic vulnerability of families and empower them to provide for the essential needs of the children in their care through:Integration of HES activities with complementary interventions, such as parenting skills Income promotion using low-risk activities to diversify and stimulate growth in household income SOCIAL PROTECTION: African Development Concept support for social protection in Africa will aim to reduce vulnerability and risks, foster human capital development, and interrupt the transmission of poverty from one generation to the next through: Partnering with host-country governments in Africa to initiate, expand, or be innovative in their social protection initiatives at both the policy and operational levels HEALTH AND NUTRITION:African Development Concept programs in Africa will also aim to improve children’s and families’ access to health and nutritional services through: A child-focused, family-centered approach to health and nutrition through ECD (Early Childhood Development) and school-based programs in Africa Effective integration with existing or planned child-focused community- and home-based activities which includes PMTCT (Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission), Care and Support for Children living with Disability, WASH program in Project Implementing communities, Reducing access barriers to health services through HES and social protection schemes, such as health insurance opportunities like CBHIS (community base health insurance scheme for vulnerable Household), Establishing linkages and referral systems between community- and clinic-based programs CHILD PROTECTION:African development programs will aim to develop appropriate strategies for preventing and responding to child abuse, exploitation, violence, and family separation through:Implementing child safeguarding policies Integrating child protection activities Supporting communities to prevent and respond to child protection issues Strengthening linkages between the formal and informal child protection systems Building African government capacity to carry out and improve child protection responses LEGAL PROTECTION:African Development Concept programs in Africa will aim to develop strategies to ensure basic legal rights for individual, birth registration certificate for every child, and inheritance rights to improve access to essential services and opportunities through: Raising awareness about birth registration and succession planning for households Linking birth registration and succession planning to other essential services Protection against any form of abuseCAPACITY BUILDING:African Development Concept programs in the African mission will prioritize within their country context the following capacity-building and systems-strengthening interventions: Investing in efforts to build strong leadership and good governance Pursuing strategies to strengthen the social service workforce Supporting strategies to improve financing for social service systems Strengthening information management and accountability mechanisms of the social service system Supporting coordination and networking within the social service systemRIGHT TO A LIFE FREE FROM VIOLENCE:Bebuabie Youths Alliance will be concerned with a global vision of a world without poverty and social injustice, which compels us to work toward eliminating gender based violence (GBV). This requires us to address the power of inequalities between women and men, girls and boys, and people of all genders that underpin GBV in the African continent and globally. Globally, GBV is an issue that requires focused programming as well as integrated services from ending it across the African continent.HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE:The world is currently witnessing the highest level of human suffering, which Africa took greater percentage. The role of the African Development Concept will be helping conflict regions prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters. Emergency response will also be at the centre work of the care and support program of BebuabieYouths Alliance. Women and girls are often disproportionally affected by emergencies. In times of crisis, women and girls are often the last to eat when their families run short of food. Therefore, Bebuabie Youths will be supporting women and girls in conflict zones.WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT:Wildlife management is the process of keeping certain wildlife populations, including endangered species, at desirable levels on the basis of scientific, technical, and traditional knowledge.Bebuabie Youths Alliance, will provide a sustainable wildlife management in Africa with the aim of balancing the economic, ecological and social values of wildlife globally through Beekeeping with a view to protecting the interests of present and future generations through job creation, capacity building, wildlife management and protection of species in African continent. AGRICULTURE VALUE CHAIN DEVELOPMENT: Bebuabie Youths Alliance Initiative will seek to contribute to food and nutrition security and create shared wealth and jobs in Africa continent. Part of our core concept is to increase, on a sustainable basis, the income of rural producers of Agricultural produce, entrepreneurs that are engaged in the production, processing, storage and marketing and preservation of livestock.

©️ Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple

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