BEEKEEPING: Preventive measures over the aggressive behaviour of the African Wild Honey Bees:

BY: Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple

The African BeeFarmers Union, explain their ordeal how they in time without numbers, managed their conflicts between the Bees and Human.

African Wild Honey Bees

According to research, African Honey Bees looks to be typically much more defensive, react to disturbances faster, and chase people further (400 m) than other varieties of honey bees. They have killed some 1,000 humans, with victims receiving 10 times more stings than from European honey bees. They have also killed horses and other animals.

To prevent aggressive behavior of African wild honey bees, consider implementing the following preventive measures as a BeeFarmer.

It is mandatory that a proper Beekeeping Techniques is put in place in order to implement good beekeeping practices, such as maintaining well-ventilated hives, providing suitable bee management techniques, and ensuring adequate food and water sources.

Proper beekeeping techniques can help maintain healthy and calm bee colonies.

Familiarisation visit must be regular, and this is done in form of regularly inspect and services to the bee colonies to identify any signs of aggression or disturbance.

This can help prevent aggressive behaviors from escalating by addressing the issue at an early stage.

Maintaining adequate space by ensuring that hives are properly spaced apart to prevent overcrowding, which can contribute to stress and aggression among bees.

Adequate space allows bees to carry out their activities without feeling constrained.

Provision of suitable forage, ensure there is a diverse range of bee loving flowering plants in the area to provide bees with ample forage.

Access to natural food sources reduces competition and can help bees remain calm.

Proper Queen Bee Management is a necessity to maintain a healthy and productive ‘Queen Bee’ in the bee colony.

Regularly replacing aging or underperforming queens can help maintain a balanced and calm colony through a growing population.

Use secured protective clothing when working with African wild honey bees, use appropriate protective clothing such as beekeeping suits, gloves, and veils.

This can minimize the likelihood of bee stings and reduce defensive behaviors.

Educate beekeepers and communities about the behavior of African wild honey bees and provide training on proper handling techniques. Understanding their behavior can help prevent actions that might trigger aggression.

Avoid unnecessary disturbances near the bee colonies, such as loud noises, sudden movements, or vibrations.

These disturbances can trigger defensive behavior in bees.

Seek professional assistance in case of persistent aggressive behavior, it is advisable to seek advice and assistance from experienced beekeeping consultants or local beekeeping associations.

They can provide insights and tailored solutions based on local conditions.

Remember that preventing aggressive behavior in African wild honey bees requires ongoing monitoring, attentive management, and an understanding of their specific needs and behavior.

Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple , (President of African BeeFarmers Union)

Copyright ©️ Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple

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