Beside politics, building a strong and reliable society was my reason for launching a vocational skills development under my foundation. -Chief Dr. Martin Orim

I was once an applicant without a skillful backup in me, yet a help could not come neither from the left nor right. -Chief Dr. Martins Orim. GFO President/Founder.

Research and published by: Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple, Consultant GFO Orim’s Foundation.

I was once an applicant without a skillful backup in me, yet a help could not come neither from the left nor right. -Chief Dr. Martins Orim. GFO President/Founder.

Chief Dr. Martin Orim, as CEO of GFO Orim’s Foundation, started his political career after placing focusing on building a strong and reliable society in his immediate environment and beyond, through vocational skills development.

These according to Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple, is a commendable initiative as it has come to provides opportunities for individuals to develop practical skills.

When you are equipping them with the necessary tools to thrive economically and contribute effectively to society.

When Chief Dr. Martin, speaks to, he expressed that his anxiety to the developing vocational skills among the Youths has several potential benefits for society.

Dr. Orim, continues, it can help reduce unemployment rates by providing individuals with marketable skills that are in demand.

This, in turn, can contribute to economic growth and stability and aditionally, vocational training can empower individuals by giving them the means to support themselves and their families, improving their overall quality of life and even the use of redundant farmlands.

Investing in vocational skills development can also address the needs of various industries, helping to bridge the skills gap and ensure a capable workforce.

Chief Dr. Martin Orim, happily said that as much as he has been so far support the people in providing training and education in sectors such as healthcare, construction, manufacturing, technology, agriculture and various trades can greatly enhance the overall productivity and competitiveness of society.

He explained that even with the short opportunity, he has utilise wisely in providing for the Youths a substantial vocational skills development which will always stands to promotes self-sufficiency and entrepreneurship, as individuals gain the confidence and ability to start their own businesses or contribute effectively to existing ones.

This can foster innovation, job creation, and economic resilience within communities.

I believe that by prioritizing vocational skills development under my foundation, I am investing in the long-term sustainability and prosperity of society.

My efforts can have a significant positive impact on individuals, families, and communities, leading to a stronger, more reliable society as a whole. I also acknowledge all of you being in my support to keep up the great work.

copyright ©️ Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple [email protected]

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