Collaboration between C’River House of Assembly and Office of the SA. Asset Management and Recovery begins to yields result.

Cross section of the action committee on recovery

Collaboration between C’River House of Assembly and Office of the S. A Asset Management and Recovery Begins to Yield Result.

By, Wale Smith – Obudu

With a focus on accountability and resource optimization, the Cross River State House of Assembly’s Special Committee on Heavy Duty Equipment Recovery, constituted by Speaker Rt. Hon. Elvert Ayambem and led by Chairman Rt. Hon. Davis Eta, along with the Special Adviser on Asset Management & Recovery to Governor Bassey Edet Otu, Barrister Gilbert Agbor, conducted a scheduled visit on March 19th, 2024, to the construction site of the Obudu International Cargo Airport in the Obudu Local Government Area of Cross River State.

The main purpose of this visit was to officially hand over the recovered heavy-duty equipment to the designated authorities, namely Barrister Agbor, the Special Adviser for Asset Management & Recovery, and Captain Imah Eno Utum, the Commissioner for Aviation.

Addressing the delegation, the Chairman, Hon. Eta, informed the audience that the recovery effort was necessitated by the significant number of government-owned assets and equipment unlawfully held by individuals without proper documentation or records.

On his part, Barrister Agbor emphasized the critical importance of the equipment, describing them as critical government assets. He committed to monitoring their usage through periodic site visits to ensure they are deployed for their intended purposes. Additionally, he announced plans to establish a comprehensive database for all government assets, aligning with directives from His Excellency. This strategic initiative, according to the Special Adviser, aims to enhance transparency and streamline asset management statewide.

Also, expressing appreciation for the diligent efforts of the Speaker and the committee, Barr Agbor lauded their dedication to recovering unlawfully allocated or occupied government assets both within and beyond the state’s borders, and further reiterated the commitment of his office to always collaborate with the House in subsequent recovery endeavor, urging citizens to contribute vital information to expedite the retrieval of additional government assets.

In conclusion, he extended gratitude to Governor Bassey Edet Otu for his unwavering commitment to transparency and accountability, underscoring his administration’s determination to prioritize the welfare of the people above all else.

In alignment with the recovery initiative, Commissioner of Aviation, Captain Imah Eno Utum, expressed appreciation for the commendable efforts of the Speaker and the recovery committee. He assured that the recovered equipment would be deployed judiciously to enhance ongoing construction activities at the cargo airport, thereby maximizing operational efficiency and optimizing resources.

The prevalence of successive administrations having to replace items purchased by their predecessors due to the misappropriation of government assets by privileged officials has been a concerning trend. However, with the proactive measures undertaken by His Excellency Prince Bassey Edet Otu, the crackdown on corruption and impunity, there is renewed hope among citizens for the recovery of valuable resources for the collective benefit of the state.

As the recovery crusade gains momentum, Prince Otus Administration is sending a clear message that corruption and impunity will not be tolerated, signaling a new era not only of Sweetness, but of accountability and responsible governance in Cross River State.

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