Commissioner for Social Justice, in Taraba state, Dr Filister I. Musa, received Members of the Visually impaired in her office:

The delegation from the Nigeria Association of the Blind in Taraba state, led by the association state chairman, Comrade Wanderimam Tenyang. Paid a courtesy visit to the state Commissioner for Social Justice and Re-integration, Dr. Mrs Filister I. Musa, while congratulating her for her appointment as commissioner.

The visit which was brief due to the official engagement with His Excellency, the governor of the state.

In her address to the association members, The Hon. Commissioner promise to include all people with special needs in her activities in the state. She made it clear that inclusivity is essential for the well-being and empowerment of every individual in society, and it’s commendable that she is committed to ensuring no one is left behind.

She said as time run, she will set up different subcommittees that will work more closer to every association in order to support her in fulfilling this promise, because it would be helpful to identify the specific needs and challenges faced by people with disabilities in Taraba state of Nigeria.

The Commissioner said that a special attention will be introduced in the state which could involve conducting accessibility assessments, consultations with relevant organizations and communities, and gathering feedback from individuals with special needs themselves.

Based on this information, the She can work towards implementing inclusive policies and initiatives.

In her conclusion, the Hon. Commissioner promise to regularly monitor the progress and effectiveness of the government efforts, while also fostering an ongoing dialogue with the disability community to address any limitations and make necessary improvements, by working together, inclusive policies and practices can be established to ensure that people with special needs are fully included and have equal opportunities to participate in all aspects of society.

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