Cross River State Civil Servants express dissatisfaction over the present high cost of food items in the market, called for government intervention:

Amb. Engr. Agim Godwin Apple CEO of Afdevco Agro-Forest Limited, Nigeria

According to Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple, Cross River State Civil Servants express dissatisfaction on the present high cost of food items in the market, called for government intervention, especially in Calabar, the capital city of the state.

In his chat with the state indigenous music artist Mr Sunny Neji, who has devoted his readiness to establish oil palm estates in the state, said Civil servants in Cross River State are expressing their dissatisfaction with the current high cost of food items in the market.

They are calling on the government to intervene and take necessary measures to address this issue.

The increased prices of food items have placed a significant burden on the already limited income of civil servants. With the rising inflation and cost of living, it has become increasingly difficult for them to afford basic food commodities. This situation not only affects their personal well-being but also impacts their ability to fulfill their professional obligations effectively.

The civil servants argue that the government needs to intervene in order to provide relief to struggling families. They believe that government intervention can help alleviate the financial pressure they are facing daily. They are calling for immediate action to be taken to stabilize and regulate the prices of food items in the market.

Furthermore, civil servants are urging the government to explore long-term solutions to the issue by focusing on improving local agricultural production through existing farmers cooperatives and clubs, Ayade Farmers Forum, Obudu and Ikom BeeFarmers Union, Mansard rice and many more.

They emphasize that a vibrant and sustainable agricultural sector can lead to increased food availability and lower prices. They suggest that the government should invest in agriculture, provide support to farmers, and promote modern farming techniques to boost productivity.

It is important for the government to take these concerns seriously and prioritize the well-being of civil servants. By addressing the high cost of food items, the government can alleviate the financial strain on civil servants and improve their overall quality of life. It is crucial that prompt action is taken to ensure that civil servants can afford basic necessities and focus on their responsibilities without the added worry of high food prices.

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