Cross River State to partner with Tanzania 2027 in hosting the World Congress of Beekeepers:

Prince Bassey Edet Otu, Governor of Cross River State Nigeria.

By: Regina Gercie

Preparations are ongoing for the 1st time Africa will host the APIMONDIA summit and the slated venue is in Tanzania in the east Africa.

Ambassador Engr. Agim Godwin Apple, President African BeeFarmers Union

At the just concluded meeting, the Cross River State representative in the meeting, Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple, has started paving ways as he openly asked for his preference as the president of African BeeFarmers Union, to allow a state in the west Africa to partner with Tanzania in the hosting.

Strong officials of the Cross River State origin in the World Congress of Beekeepers, presently are Ambassador Engr. Agim Godwin Apple, Dr. Theresa Omara-Achong, Dr. Abu Undiyaundeye, Elder Christopher Oyama and few others.

This decision is hopefully to approach the table of His Excellency, Gov. Bassey Edet Otu, of Cross River State for approval.

The Apimondia has made their decision publicly through the following publication: ref. Google:

Tanzania will host the 50th World Congress of Beekeepers in 2027, an official announced Tuesday.

Angellah Kairuki, minister of natural resources and tourism, said the congress to be held in Tanzania’s northern city of Arusha will attract more than 6,000 delegates from across the globe.

Kairuki told a news conference in Dar es Salaam, the commercial hub of Tanzania, that the congress will be organized by the International Federation of Beekeepers’ Associations (APIMONDIA) to bring together beekeepers, scientists, honey traders, agents for development, technicians, and legislators to listen, discuss and learn from one another.

Kairuki urged Tanzanian beekeepers to use the congress to promote the beekeeping business.

According to the Tanzania Forest Services Agency, the East African country produces at least 30,400 tonnes of honey annually, but plans are underway to increase production to 60,000 tonnes in 2025.

The APIMONDIA is a non-governmental organization that brings together beekeepers, manufacturers of beekeeping equipment, and a wide variety of scientists involved in apiculture, pollination, development, and economics. Google news.

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