CRS NIGERIA: The massive exploration and evacuation of timbers from the reserve forests: Amb. Agim Godwin Apple, called for international intervention:

Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple, Global Peace Envoy and General Consultative Status on Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.

Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple’s call for intervention from international organizations regarding the extraction and evaluation of timbers from reserve forests in Cross River State of Nigeria, is based on the recognition of the massive scale and potential consequences of such activities.

This intervention is warranted due to the following reasons:

Protection of biodiversity: Reserve forests are crucial for maintaining ecological balance and preserving biodiversity.

On this worriedsome situation in Obudu, Ikom, Boki, Etung, Obubra, Akamkpa, Odukpani and Calabar regions all in Cross River State Nigeria, where the extraction of timbers on a massive scale can have a detrimental impact on the flora and fauna of these areas.

International organizations can provide expertise and support in assessing the potential environmental damage and advising on sustainable extraction practices with the government of His Excellency, Sen. Prince Bassey Otu, Governor of Cross River State.

Illegal logging and trade: The exploitation of timber resources from reserve forests often involves illegal logging and trade. International organizations can play a significant role in monitoring and regulating the timber trade, if deforestation should be necessary, to ensure that it is conducted legally and sustainably.

Their intervention can help address issues related to corruption, smuggling, and illicit financial flows associated with the timber trade. According Ambassador Godwin Apple.

Sustainable forest management: Timbers from reserve forests are valuable resources that need to be managed sustainably.

International organizations have the experience and knowledge to promote sustainable forest management practices, including the implementation of responsible extraction techniques, reforestation programs, and community engagement.

Their intervention can ensure that the extraction of timbers does not lead to deforestation or degradation of forest ecosystems.

Socio-economic impact: The extraction and evaluation of timbers can have significant socio-economic implications, both positive and negative.

With these, a call on state indigenous son as Mr. Ignatius Oli, of AFDEVCO AGRO-FOREST NIGERIA via the international organizations can help assess the social and economic impact of timber extraction, including its effects on local communities, livelihoods, and indigenous populations.

Through their intervention, they can promote inclusive development and equitable distribution of benefits from the forest resources.

Global climate change: Cross River State Forests play a crucial role in mitigating climate change in Nigeria and the world in general, by acting as carbon sinks and regulating local and regional climates.

The extensive extraction of timbers from reserve forests can contribute to increased greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation, further exacerbating climate change.

The intervention of the International organizations can provide guidance and support in implementing climate-friendly practices and promoting the conservation of forest resources.

The intervention of international organizations is critical in addressing the complex and multifaceted issues associated with the extraction and evaluation of timbers from reserve forests.

AFDEVCO NIGERIA LIMITED expertise can help ensure the sustainable management of these resources, protect biodiversity, mitigate climate change, and promote inclusive and equitable development.

copyright ©️ Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple

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