CRS SPORTS: The high expectations of the upcoming Dynamic Strikers Football Club of Obudu.

Bebuabie Dynamic Youths Empowerment by Ambassador Engr. Agim Godwin Apple, over the creation of a substantial football team to rise into the national league of the Nigeria Football Association NFA.

Bebuabie Community is under the Ipong political Ward in Obudu Plateau in Cross River State Nigeria.

According to Ambassador Godwin Apple, it’s one of the best places for talent hunting among the Youths in Nigeria.

Sen. Prince Bassey Otu, Gov. of Cross River State

Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple, President, Human Rights Watch and Youths Empowerment Foundation Nigeria.

Sen. John Owan Enoh, Minister of Sports

Hon. Commissioner Agnes Atsu, CRS Commissioner for Sports

The high expectations for the qualities of the upcoming football team of Bebuabie Dynamic Strikers in Obudu Plateau are based on several factors.

According to the founder, Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple, who expressed his opinion that firstly, the team has been consistently performing well in local tournaments, showcasing their skills and potential.

Their dedication and hard work has to garnered a positive reputation within the community.

Additionally, the team has been focused on talent development and scouting, ensuring they have a strong pool of players with diverse skills.

The coach, Mr. Akeh, and the entire management are known for their expertise and ability to bring out the best in their players.

The team’s training regimen is rigorous, emphasizing physical fitness, technical proficiency, tactical awareness, and teamwork.

They prioritize discipline and commitment, instilling a winning mentality in their players.

Furthermore, the Obudu Local Government Council, will in a near future, invested in state-of-the-art facilities and equipment for their team through counterparts funding with the state and Federal government of Nigeria.

This will helps them provide a transport service, conducive environment for training, recovery, and overall players development.

The team’s infrastructure is designed to support the Youths of Bebuabie Community and their players in reaching their full potential goals.

The local community has also been highly supportive, creating a positive atmosphere at the primary school ground in Bebuabie, for the team’s training exercises.

This support acts as a motivating factor, boosting the players’ confidence and inspiring them to perform at their best.

Considering all these factors, the high expectations of the qualities of the upcoming football team of Bebuabie in Obudu Plateau are justified.

The team’s consistent performance, talented players, experienced coaching staff, dedication to training, and the vulnerable support by Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple, has contribute to the excitement and anticipation surrounding their upcoming season.

We appeal to all well meaning sons and daughters of Obudu Local Government Council and the Cross River State in general to be part of this development.

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