FINLAND: Horn Afrik Oy, a work force body in supporting professional Migrants through jobs creativity, and economic development in building construction sector.

By: Amb. Engr. Agim Godwin Apple, President of African Development Concepts Ry. Finland.

Horn Afrik Oy, a work force body in supporting professional Migrants through jobs, creativity, and economic development in building construction sector.

Abdi Us man, CEO Horn Afrik Oy. Finland

Supporting professional migrants in the construction sector can contribute to their economic stability and integration into their new communities.

This is one of the potential qualities of the Horn Afrik Oy in Finland.

This research is carefully done in Finland and beyond by Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple, an Engineer in Stone Building technology, an Apiculturist and a Forest regeneration expert.

Amb. Engr Godwin Apple, has served the Horn Afrik Oy for many years, right from Vantaa to Helsinki and Espoo lately.

Here are some ways the Horn Afrik Oy can help:

Job Training and Placement: Horn Afrik Oy, offer specialized training programs to professional migrants, focusing on construction-related skills and techniques.

Collaborate with local construction companies and contractors to provide job placement opportunities for graduates of these programs.

Mentoring and Networking: The company connect professional migrants with experienced mentors in the construction industry who can offer guidance, advice, and support.

Facilitate networking events and workshops where migrants can interact with professionals and expand their professional networks.

Language and Cultural Support: Many migrants face language barriers when seeking employment.

Horn Afrik Oy, provide good relationships among the indigenous workers and the migrants which provide language resources to help them improve their communication skills, especially in technical terminology related to the construction industry.

Additionally, they offer cultural orientation sessions to help migrants understand work norms and expectations in their new country.

Access to Financial Resources: Horn Afrik Oy as a company is giving assistance to professional migrants in accessing financial support, such as considerable accommodation and recommendations to start their own construction businesses or invest in existing ones.

Collaborate with financial institutions and government agencies to provide tailored financial solutions for migrants workers.

Entrepreneurship Development: Offer business training and mentorship programs specifically designed for professional migrants who aim to start their own construction-related businesses. Provide guidance on business planning, marketing, and accessing funding opportunities.

Recognition of Foreign Credentials: Work with regulatory bodies and professional associations to support the recognition of foreign credentials and qualifications in the construction sector. Advocate for streamlined processes and assist migrants in navigating the recognition procedures.

Horn Afrik, goes into collaboration with various organizations, including government entities, NGOs, and community groups, can enhance the impact of these efforts.

Together, they can create an inclusive and supportive environment for professional migrants in the construction sector.

copyright ©️ Amb. Engr. Agim Godwin Apple +358451326601

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