FORESTRY: Cross River State government, plan partnership with foreign experts on forests regeneration:

Government of Cross River State of Nigeria

Sen. Prince Bassey Otu, Governor of Cross River State

The Cross River State Special Adviser to Governor on Forestry matters is on the ground of partnership with international organisations willing for work with the state government on afforestation exercise.

Mr. Cletus Ugbizi Adie – Special Adviser to Governor of Cross River State of Forestry

Hintusmedia: The Cross River State government is planning to partner with foreign experts for the regeneration of forest reserves in the state.

This initiative demonstrates a commitment to environmental sustainability and biodiversity conservation, according to Mr Cletus Ugbizi, the Special Adviser to Governor Bassey Otu of Cross River State on Forestry matters.

Partnering with foreign experts for financial and technical assistance can bring valuable knowledge, expertise, and best practices to the table, ensuring the implementation of effective strategies for forest regeneration.

These experts he said can contribute their experience in mitigating deforestation, promoting sustainable land use practices, and restoring degraded areas as vital species which has for the past years been constantly harvested from the forest, can be replaced.

While speaking to an interested NGO personnel of the African Development Concepts Ry. Finland Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple, it was agreed that enumeration has to be taken to access the constantly harvested species to enhance immediate replacement.

Amb. Engr Godwin Apple, said from his knowledge, the Cross River State forests have been so attractive to illegal timber loggers because of the rich wood quality, such as celtis, mahogany, distiminantus, nagabiachistegias, afzelia Afrikana, danelias/Lancaster, tericapus padocs, memosop mukulungus and Congo afaras as well as the afromecias.

These, under my knowledge, we can replace and do more through the nursery establishment across the state.

Mr Cletus Ugbizi, said the few ways in which the partnership with foreign experts could be beneficial are:

Technical expertise: Foreign experts can provide technical knowledge and skills in forest management, including reforestation techniques, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable land use practices.

This can enhance the state’s capacity to restore and manage forest reserves effectively.

Research and innovation: Collaborating with foreign experts can facilitate research and innovation, enabling the adoption of cutting-edge technologies and approaches in forest regeneration.

This could involve the use of remote sensing techniques for monitoring deforestation, sustainable agroforestry methods, or the development of new species for reforestation.

Capacity building: The partnership can include training programs and knowledge exchange initiatives, equipping local stakeholders with the necessary skills to sustainably manage forests over the long term.

This can empower local communities, government officials, and forest management staff to actively participate in the regeneration efforts.

Financial support: Foreign experts may have access to funding sources and investment opportunities that can help secure resources for forest regeneration projects.

This external support can alleviate the financial burden on the state government and ensure the availability of adequate resources for successful implementation.

International collaboration: Partnering with foreign experts opens doors for international collaboration, allowing Cross River State to engage with global initiatives, share experiences, and participate in global forest conservation networks.

This can enhance the state’s visibility, reputation, and advocacy efforts for sustainable forest management.

It is wise to know that making the most of this partnership, it is important to ensure that the local context, culture, and traditional knowledge are considered alongside the expertise of foreign experts.

Collaboration should be based on mutual respect, shared goals, and active participation of local communities and indigenous people who have a deep understanding of the forests and their dynamics.

The partnership will has the potential to significantly contribute to the regeneration and conservation of forest reserves in Cross River State, improving ecosystem health, conserving biodiversity, and enhancing socio-economic development. He concluded.

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