Hon. Ironbar Inspects Streets light project at Marina Resort, visit Kada Cinema over the recent fire incidents.


By, Eaga Dassom

In a proactive move to assess and address crucial infrastructure and safety concerns, the Chief of Staff to the Governor of Cross River State, Hon. Emmanuel Ironbar, undertook a visit to Marina Resort in Calabar. During this inspection, he meticulously examined the progress of the installation of solar-powered street lights, emphasizing the state’s commitment to sustainable and energy-efficient urban development.

The solar-powered street lights initiative is part of the government’s broader agenda to enhance public safety, promote environmental sustainability, and contribute to the beautification of urban spaces. With a keen eye for details, Hon. Ironbar scrutinized the ongoing work, ensuring that the project aligns with the high standards set by the Governor Bassey Edet Otu’s led administration.

In addition to the infrastructure inspection, the Chief of Staff extended his visit to Kada Cinema, an iconic entertainment hub in Calabar. This visit was prompted by a recent fire incident at the cinema, which had raised concerns about safety protocols and emergency response capabilities in public spaces.

During his time at the Cinema, he engaged with the management and staff, expressing the government’s sympathy over the fire incident. Importantly, he reassured them of the state government’s unwavering commitment to ensuring the safety of citizens and visitors alike. To fortify this commitment, he announced plans to establish a formidable fire response center at the resort.

The proposed fire response center is envisioned to be a state-of-the-art facility equipped with cutting-edge technology and a highly trained firefighting team. This initiative reflects the government’s proactive approach to emergency management, acknowledging the importance of rapid and effective response mechanisms in safeguarding public spaces and infrastructure.

His visit to Marina Resort and Kada Cinema underscores the Governor Otu’s administration’s dedication to comprehensive governance. By combining infrastructure development with a focus on public safety, the government aims to create a conducive environment for residents and tourists, fostering a sense of security and well-being.

As news of the Chief of Staff’s visit spreads, it not only highlights the government’s responsiveness but also reinforces the importance of collaborative efforts between the government and private enterprises in achieving shared goals of progress, safety, and community development in Cross River State.

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