Israel and Hamas have reached a cease-fire agreement, with Qatar announcing release of hostages.

Qatar announced a hostage ceasefire between Israel and Hamas on Wednesday, November 22, marking the first temporary cessation of hostilities in six weeks of devastating war and the release of dozens of people held hostage in the Gaza Strip. Paving the way for the release of Palestinian prisoners.

Qatar’s foreign ministry, which brokered the deal, said it would one day announce the signing of a four-day ceasefire that would release 50 hostages on behalf of Palestinian prisoners held in Israel. Those released by both sides include women and children. Humanitarian aid to the besieged Gaza Strip will also increase

The announcement came hours after the Israeli cabinet approved the deal. This ends weeks of indirect talks led by Qatar between Israel and Hamas, the Islamist militant group that has ruled the Gaza Strip for 16 years. The United States and Egypt also participated in the negotiations to release the hostages. Hamas said the deal included the release of 50 hostages and 150 Palestinian prisoners, all women and minors

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office is calling for a four-day ceasefire in the deal until Israel halts its military offensive against the Gaza Strip and Hamas releases “at least 50” of the 240 prisoners held by Israel and other militants.

The government said in a statement that the ceasefire period would be extended by one day for every 10 additional prisoners released by Hamas. The war began on October 7 when thousands of Hamas militants crossed the border into Israel, killing at least 1,200 people and taking hundreds more hostage. Most of the dead were civilians, and the hostages included children, women and the elderly.

Israel responded with weeks of devastating airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, followed by a ground offensive more than three weeks ago.

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