Women Federation for World Peace, a unit of the Universal Peace Federation:

About Us:

Universal Peace Federation

Universal Peace Federation (UPF), an international and interreligious network of individuals and organizations, including representatives from religion, government, civil society and the private sector, is dedicated to achieving world peace. An NGO in general consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, UPF supports the work of the United Nations, particularly in the areas of interfaith peacebuilding, peace education, and the strengthening of marriage and family.

Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple, Nigeria Diaspora Peace Ambassador to Finland , Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple is playing the role of the protection and well-being of Women and Children under the UPF and the United Nations in general.


The proposed programme the Women’s Federation for World Peace, Universal Peace Federation UPF in Nigeria is to empower and uplift women by promoting their human rights, gender equality, and socio-economic development.

Specifically, the programme aims to:

Promote women’s rights: The programme works towards the protection and promotion of women’s rights, advocating for legal reforms and policies that eliminate discrimination, violence, and exploitation against women.

Enhance gender equality: Through awareness campaigns, workshops, and training sessions, the programme seeks to challenge societal attitudes and practices that perpetuate gender inequality.

It aims to create an inclusive and equal society where women are given equal opportunities and rights.

Empower women economically: The programme offers skill-building workshops, vocational training, and entrepreneurship support to help women acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to participate in the workforce.

By enabling economic empowerment, the programme aims to enhance women’s financial independence and decision-making power.

Foster leadership and participation: The Women Development programme encourages women to actively participate in decision-making processes at all levels, ranging from family dynamics to community leadership.

It provides training and mentoring opportunities to develop women’s leadership abilities and promotes their representation in various spheres of society.

Promote peacebuilding and conflict resolution: Recognizing the important role women play in peacebuilding, the programme encourages women’s active involvement in conflict resolution and peacebuilding initiatives.

It promotes dialogue, collaboration, and understanding among diverse communities to foster peace and harmony in Nigeria and the entire world.

Agricultural Cooperatives: By enabling women and men farmers, or women only, to come together for purposes of acquiring inputs, production services, and the marketing of their produce, among others, agricultural cooperatives enhance productive capacity and give access to marketing and employment, also providing household economy and poverty alleviation.

In overall, the Women Development programme of the Universal Peace Federation aims to empower women, eliminate gender inequality, and contribute to sustainable peace and development in Nigeria through poverty reduction.

©️ UPF Women Development Programme

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