Postgraduate Students President, Comr. Abeng, assigned responsibilities on newly inaugurated members of Judiciary Government.

Hintusmedia correspondence international, Hqrs. Finland.

UNICAL PGSG President, Comr. Abeng Inaugurates Judiciary Arm of Government charges them to place the people first

Members accept responsibilities

In an event marked by anticipation and enthusiasm, the President of the Postgraduate Students’ Government (PGSG), Comrade Prince Obedience Abeng, ushered in a new era by inaugurating the Judiciary Arm of Government.

In his address, he emphasized the paramount importance of prioritizing the welfare and interests of the student body above all else.

The newly appointed judicial officers, comprising a diverse array of talented individuals, were sworn into their respective roles. Notable among them are Barr. Cleverty Afu as Chief Judge, Comr. Omenka Augustine as Deputy Chief Judge, Comr. Chikwado Kashmire as Clerk, and a host of others, each entrusted with the solemn responsibility of dispensing justice and upholding the rule of law.

President Abeng congratulated the appointees on their well-deserved appointments and charged them with the pivotal task of placing students at the forefront of their representation across all levels of governance.

He underscored the need for unwavering dedication, integrity, and commitment to the principles of fairness and equity in their adjudicative roles.

Dr. Bernard Edet, representing the Dean of Students, Prof. Tony Enyang, emphasized the importance of fostering harmonious relationships between the judiciary, executive, and legislative arms of the government.

He urged the newly inaugurated judges to exhibit exemplary conduct, accommodation, loyalty, and dedication to the government’s mandate, thereby ensuring the seamless functioning of the governance structure.

The inauguration ceremony attracted a diverse audience, including past and present senators, executives, judges, and stakeholders, who bore witness to this historic occasion.

As the Judiciary Arm assumes its rightful place within the fabric of the PGSG, there is palpable optimism for a future marked by transparency, accountability, and student-centric governance.


copyright ©️ Amb Agim Godwin Apple (Chairman) Hintusmedia publishing company, Finland 🇫🇮

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