The dilapidated and grounding condition of the Obudu Cattle Ranch resource, state government put blame on poor patronise:

By: Amb. Godwin Apple

A one time pride of the African tourism and a booster for the Cross Riverians in Diaspora, a heavenly decorated valleys with lilies of nature.

Obudu Cattle Ranch, over the years, the Ranch has been hosting both national and international events as well as promoting the living standards of the people of Cross River State Nigeria.

With the present condition of the Ranch facilities today, one may ask, how do we get here?

Here are few drops of explanation given by a vibrant investigation journalist from the Government House Press. Eugene Upah, he wrote:

Obudu Ranch:

In 2015 Gov Ayade invested heavily in the ranch after a protracted court case against a the South African company that had operated the ranch and laid claim to so much money
Recall that Gov Ayade did the following

Refurbished and made functional the cable car and the the entire ranch facilities before the Xmas of 2015

Don’t forget that the French ambassador used that cable car under Gov Ayade and the entire embassy spent 3 days up the ranch

The doors, rooms, toilets bedsheets TV were all fixed and street lights and tennis court restored

Gov Ayade provided 1 megawatt power plant and refurbished the smaller generators and by 2015 Xmas the ranch and cable car were all functional

After that huge revenue expended total income realised from the whole December operations on cable car was N88,000 after paying multimillions to the original contractor

The ranch itself made a huge loss for the month due to low patronage and huge diesel cost

By Easter 2016 more renovations were done and roads fixed etc but patronage was just occasional thus running a perfectly functional ranch at a huge loss

No hotel nor resort would thrive on diesel as means of power

Gov Ayade reconnected electricity from jos and pypassed abakaliki to bring power to the ranch

Gov Ayade bought 1×7.5 mva and 1 x15mva transformer for the ranch and the North

To take power from Jos disco and transform for Northern Cross river as he did 1megawatt for ugep and 23 megawatt for calabar

All the cable car workers were restored to the ranch and salary restored and cable car fixed perfectly the second time and income remain zero

Why did the ranch fail?

Zero access by air and by road.It is a nightmare to go to the ranch from calabar Enugu or Abuja making it a torture to choose Obudu Ranch as destination of your choice for a vacation

Occasional occupancy kills any resort even if it is made from gold. The ranch is a business not emotions. The revenue was not adding up and the overheads was too much and climbing with increase in cost of diesel

2 No communication network

3 No power

Power was worked on and new line was laid to replace the old broken down line

Generator provided and a Chinese firm was contacted to provide hydro electric power and another was contacted to provide wind and solar knowing that wind speed was over 25m per sec up the ranch

Wind study and hydro study were completed in partnership with UNIDO

On communication the commissioner for information contacted MTN and they gave a report suggesting increase in patronage to justify installation of new cell site

Minister of state power attracted solar power plant to the ranch which was commissioned under the watch of Ayade administration

All outstanding salaries were cleared when Gov Ayade came into officeinto office


For the ranch to become a success story
First steps are

An airport that can take international flights to fly tourist straight to obudu Ranch was a core must do

The road from yala to the ranch must be fixed or dualised to drive traffic from south east and south west to feed the ranch resort

Electricity must be from renewable source

State must have an aircraft to develop the ranch route

Agriculture must thrive in the ranch and export of fresh fruits flowers and vegetables from the ranch can generate spin off traffic for the ranch

The ranch must be concessioned to an operator that can attract an international investor

In summary

Cally air airline

Obudu international airport project

The dualisation of yala to Obanlikwu

The concession of the ranch

The unido and Chinese consultancy projects for the obudu Ranch renewable energy projects were all multiple billion projects targeted at the Ranch

Gov Ayade has engaged both president Buhari and President Tinubu on the ranch

The Tinubu administration has given strong commitment to the ranch

And Governor Otu is committed to the airport project

In conclusion,
To fix the ranch The airport and access roads must be completed and callyair made to fly obudu airport on daily basis and a 5 star hotel must be erected at the ranch by the concessionaire and private resort and villa developers must be allocated land to build

We fixed the ranch for the 3rd time when a tentative date was fixed for the burial of Dr wayas

All these efforts won’t mean nothing after 8 years if the airport is not functional

Good news

Obudu airport has all the equipment on ground 100All the buildings completed

The runway of 3km has 2km completed and the last 1 km the entire furniture and security equipment for the ranch are 100% on ground

Everything for the digital best safety caution equipment was delivered over 2 years ago

Prince Otu must make sure that the last mile under his watch is realised so the airport can be commissioned in April 2024

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