The role of Human Rights Watch and Youths Empowerment Foundation Nigeria in Peace making and child protection services:

Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple (President)

Human Rights Watch and Youths Empowerment Foundation Nigeria share a common goal of promoting peace, advocating for human rights, and protecting the rights of children. Together, we have been actively involved in peace-making efforts and child protection services in Nigeria.

Amb. Sarki TijjaniVice-President

Human Rights Watch is an international organization that conducts extensive research and investigations into human rights abuses worldwide.

In Nigeria, our focus is on documenting and reporting violations, advocating for accountability, and promoting necessary reforms to ensure the protection of human rights.

Moreover, child protection is a crucial aspect of our work. Both Human Rights Watch and the Youths Empowerment Foundation Nigeria are committed to safeguarding the rights and well-being of children, particularly in conflict-affected areas. We have collaborated on initiatives that aim to prevent the recruitment of child soldiers, provide psychosocial support and rehabilitation for child victims of violence, and advocate for the prosecution of those responsible for perpetrating crimes against children.

Dr. Valentine. Unimuke – Secretary-General

One area where we have collaborated with the Youths Empowerment Foundation Nigeria is in the promotion of peace and conflict resolution. We recognize the importance of addressing the root causes of conflicts and finding peaceful and sustainable solutions.

Dr. Anastasia Ashi, – Projects Director

Through joint initiatives, we have worked to engage various stakeholders, including government agencies, community leaders, and local organizations, to foster dialogue, mediation, and reconciliation processes. By promoting dialogue and understanding, we aim to reduce tensions, build trust, and create an environment conducive to peaceful coexistence.

Through our joint efforts, we have worked to raise awareness about the importance of child protection, mobilize resources, and implement programs targeted at ensuring the safety, education, and overall development of children in Nigeria. By empowering youths and advocating for their rights, we strive to create an environment where children can grow up free from violence, exploitation, and other forms of abuse.

In summary, Human Rights Watch and the Youths Empowerment Foundation Nigeria have collaborated on various initiatives aimed at promoting peace, advocating for human rights, and protecting children in Nigeria.

By combining our expertise and resources, we hope to contribute to a future where human rights are respected, conflicts are resolved peacefully, and children are safeguarded and nurtured in a safe and inclusive society.

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