UN NGO charge the Borno state govt. to provide adequate support for the implementation of Human Rights Watch and Youths Empowerment activities in the state.

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Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple President/Founder, Human Rights Watch and Youths Empowerment Foundation Nigeria.

UN NGO charge the Borno state govt. to provide adequate support for the implementation of Human Rights Watch and Youths Empowerment activities in the state.

While speaking on advocating for human rights and youth empowerment. The United Nations Global Peace Ambassador, Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple (President/Founder of the Human Rights Watch and Youths Empowerment Foundation Nigeria) offer some points to considered by the Nigerian government in providing the adequate resources to empower the Youths in carrying out the following activities under the project.

  1. Educational programs: The state government can strengthen the curriculum by incorporating human rights education into schools. This can increase awareness among youths and promote a culture of respecting human rights from an early age.
  2. Training and capacity-building: The government can provide workshops, training sessions, and mentorship programs to equip young people with the skills needed to establish and run organizations focused on human rights and youth empowerment. This support will enhance their effectiveness and sustainability.
  3. Funding opportunities: The state government can allocate funds specifically dedicated to supporting youth-led initiatives in human rights and empowerment. Grants, scholarships, or access to seed funding can provide young individuals with the necessary resources to kick-start and sustain their projects.
  4. Networking and collaboration: The government can create platforms, such as conferences or forums, where young advocates can network, share experiences, and collaborate. This can create a supportive community of young activists working together towards common goals.
  5. Legal framework and protection: The state government should ensure that there is a robust legal framework for the establishment and functioning of human rights organizations. This includes providing protection for young activists against harassment, discrimination, or any form of retaliation they may face.
  6. Public awareness campaigns: The government can help raise awareness about human rights and youth empowerment through media campaigns or public events. This can help mobilize support from the general public and foster a more inclusive society.

By so doing, the Youths and even the minor in the society will enjoy and exercise every right of Human Rights of citizenry.

©️ Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple www.hrwn.org

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