War in Israel and Gaza, My concerns over women and children, ceasefire is the best option: -Amb. Agim Godwin Apple

War in Israel and Gaza, My concerns over women and children, ceasefire is the best option:

Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple, UPF Peace Ambassador/Expert on Human Analysis.

As a Global Peace Ambassador of the Universal Peace Federation, General Consultative Status on Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, it is admirable that I am concerned about the well-being of women and children in the ongoing war between Israel and Gaza.

Ambassador Godwin, made this comment Friday, after a round table meeting in Abuja in Nigeria with his fellow members of the Ambassadorial designate, as of of the Directors of Human Rights Watch and Youths Empowerment Foundation Nigeria, Ambassador Aisha Ibrahim, honoured the meeting.

Ambassador Aisha Ibrahim, HRWF Child Protection Services, Nigeria

The situation in the region is undoubtedly distressing, and it’s important to prioritize the safety and protection of those most vulnerable.

Ceasefire efforts are indeed an essential step towards peace and avoiding further casualties. According to Ambassador Agim’s recommendation, negotiations and diplomacy play a crucial role in resolving conflicts and finding a peaceful solution, this can be applied through the efforts of the United Nations.

We need to promote dialogue and understanding among parties involved, because only such approach can help mitigate the suffering and ensure the protection of civilians, particularly women and children.

In situations of armed conflict, humanitarian organizations often play a vital role in providing aid, shelter, and medical assistance to those in need.

Supporting and collaborating with these organizations can contribute to the protection and well-being of affected communities.

It is also important to address the root causes of the conflict and work towards long-term solutions that address the underlying issues.

This may involve addressing political, social, and economic grievances, promoting dialogue and reconciliation, and ensuring the equitable and sustainable development of the region.

As a Peace Ambassador, my voice and advocacy for peace are valuable.

By raising this awareness, promoting dialogue, and supporting initiatives aimed at peacebuilding, I can contribute to creating a safer and more harmonious environment for women, children, and all those affected by the conflict.

I hereby called for a ceasefire through the Attorney of my Ambassadorial designate of the Universal Peace Federation UPF.

Copyright ©️ Amb. Agim Godwin Apple, [email protected]

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